вторник, 19 октября 2010 г.

Katy Perry to have two honeymoons

The British comedian ' who is rumoured to be marrying the 25-year-old pop star in India on Sunday (24.10.10) ' will firstly take her to the island group of Mauritius before jetting off to the nearby Maldives.

A source said: 't will be the perfect honeymoon ' Katy will be bowled over.'

Russell, 35, chose Mauritius after taking his mother Barbara to the islands for a break in 2006, and she has told him the 'Teenage Dream' singer would love the destination.

The source added to the Daily Mirror newspaper: 'He has been consulting his mum about the wedding and honeymoon and he decided that Mauritius ' where he took her ' would be perfect.

't's out of the way and they can just relax on the beach, enjoy each other's company and get massages with no other distractions.

'Russell fell in love with the place when he took his mum a few years back and he has wanted to go back ever since.'

Earlier this month, Russell joked he was going to scrap plans to marry Katy in India with his celebrity friends and instead head to the frozen North Pole to get wed.

He said: ''m hoping to hold it in the Arctic sometime in June. I might get a polar bear to conduct the ceremony.

"It's what I've always wanted. Every little girl grows up dreaming of that and I was no different."

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